The effective administration and delivery of AQMS training courses provides value through public confidence and trust. Public confidence relies on a valid assessment of administrative practices and course content containing an industry accepted body of knowledge. The AAQG Registration Management Committee (RMC) has recognized Probitas Authentication as an approved Training Provider Approval Body (TPAB). Probitas Authentication has a responsibility to ensure that only those courses containing the certification scheme’s body of knowledge requirements and the training provider’s effective administration of these courses are awarded certification. The overall purpose of certifying training course content is to verify that minimum body of knowledge requirements are met and training provider administration practices are developed, implemented, maintained, and documented in accordance with the certification scheme requirements.
This section of the website relates to the AQMS training provider and course requirements and approval process as required in the AS9104 series of aerospace standards. The effective administration and delivery of AQMS training courses provides value through public confidence and trust. Public confidence relies on the Training Provider Approval Body's valid assessment of training provider administrative practices and course content.
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